Your bedroom is your personal space. It is where you unwind, recharge, and get things back into tip top shape before facing the world again. It is your haven and safe zone. Wouldn’t it be logical to keep it clean and pristine?
Here’s our simple guide to cleaning your bedroom once and for all:
Declutter Your Bedroom
Ever wondered why, despite numerous cleaning efforts, your bedroom still seems to look disheveled, dirty, or disorganised (or all of the above)? We have a simple answer:
You need to declutter.
Declutter is a process of removing things you don’t need from your bedroom. It could be anything, really — from pieces of furniture to dirty dishes — and if they need to be out of your bedroom, then it is best to do so right now.
Before actually cleaning up your personal space, take some time to remove things that don’t serve its purpose anymore. Begin with your closet and take out items of clothing that you haven’t used in the last six months or so. That top you’ve been keeping in hopes that you’ll eventually fit into it again? Let it go. A pair of shoes that have worn out soles? Throw them out.
A lot of people hold certain materials because they have sentimental value. While it is fine to keep a few items, be wise about which to give away and which ones you prefer to hold on to.
Word of advice: any item that belonged or was given to you by an ex might be better off in the bin.
After your closet has been rid of unnecessary clothes and shoes, now it is time to take a look at the rest of your bedroom. Make sure you have a garbage bag handy so you can simply dump any thing you don’t need in it.
Now take out dirty dishes out of your bedroom. From now on, try to make it a rule not to eat there. It is quite tempting to bring a dish of your favourite meal in your bedroom while you binge watch a TV series but think of the extra trip to the kitchen you’d be saving for yourself if you avoided eating on your bed.
If that thought doesn’t convince you enough, then think about possible pests that could find its way into your room and on your bed. The idea of cockroaches and mice that might call your bedroom home is pretty chilling in itself.

Next, check your furniture. Are there any that need to go? That nightstand might be of better use for another family. You might have a chair that doesn’t look like a chair at all — instead it looks as if it could possibly be a mascot of clothes.
Take any unnecessary furniture and items out of your room. You’ll see your space in a whole different light and expose areas that need your immediate attention when you begin cleaning.
Time to Clean
Have your cleaning tools ready before you begin. These could include:
- Broom and dust pan
- Mop
- Microfibre cloths
- Spray bottle filled with a gentle cleaning solution
- Garbage bin or bag
- Hamper
Try this Pristine Home hack as a starting point:
Pick Up Countdown
- Pick up 5 items of clothing
- Pick up 4 items that are red, blue, and yellow (or any dominant colour)
- Pick up 3 school or office related items
- Pick up 2 things that are soft
- Pick up 1 item that needs to go to the hamper
Are you done? Of course not. This is just to motivate you to continue cleaning once you see how instantly neat your room is after picking up a few items.
Continue removing and picking up items until none is left. Dirty clothes should be placed in the hamper; dirty dishes go straight to the kitchen sink; and put items back to where they belong.
Grab your broom and begin sweeping the floor if it is hardwood or any other flooring besides carpet. Make sure to have a dust pan handy. With a slightly wet mop (mixed with a gentle cleaning solution), mop your floor. Any dust particles that the broom couldn’t catch, your mop will.
With your spray bottle, spritz a bit of the cleaning solution on any surface. Use the microfibre cloth to properly wipe off any residue. As much as possible, veer away from any other cloths and invest in microfibre ones. It picks up any dirt and dust effectively, soft on the hands, and dries fairly quickly after it is given a proper wash.
A gentle cleaning solution that we recommend consists of the following:
- Water
- Liquid hand soap
- White vinegar
Mix 2 parts water with half a part of white vinegar. You only need several drops of the liquid soap. Your cleaning solution doesn’t have to be so soapy that it needs to be wiped down separately with water.
With your garbage bin or bag, throw away any trash or old items. Replace your bed sheet, pillow cases, and comforter if you haven’t had them replaced in some time. They probably need to be washed especially if you have been eating on your bed.
Now look at your room and pat yourself on the back.
Keeping Your Room As It Is
Now that you’ve done the hard bit, we have some news for you.
You still need to keep on cleaning your room BUT with the clutter gone, it won’t be as hectic or tiresome anymore.
Try these tips to make cleaning a fun activity and far from being a chore:
- Challenge yourself by choosing 2 to 3 of your favourite songs and playing them while you clean. You have to be able to finish cleaning before the last song ends.
- Now that your room is organised after decluttering, make it more aesthetic and Instagram worthy by color coordinating your items or placing them in fun but useful bins. When you visually see how neat and tidy it all looks, your mind is making a mental note of making sure it stays that way for as long as possible.

- Practice CAYGO (clean as you go) whenever and wherever possible. If you can’t help yourself and you still bring in food into your room, make sure to bring out leftovers and plates. Practicing CAYGO can help you around the house and outside as well so it’s a nifty habit to develop.
- Another habit you should learn to develop is making up your bed within half an hour of waking. Somehow it makes your room look more “put together” even if it’s the only thing you’ve done the entire day. Plus, there’s nothing better than hopping on a made bed after a tiring day.
- Change the way you think about cleaning. Don’t look at it as a chore, but as a joyful activity that brings peace and harmony into your living space.
Pristine Home: Your Cleaning Partner
Cleaning can be hard to do, and we know it. We understand that putting it off can be a necessity when there are other important things that need your time and attention. You don’t have to think about it any longer when you book a professional cleaner today. Have us over every week and we will do the cleaning for you. Set a booking right now and enjoy $20 off your first appointment.
We give you a service you deserve because we are the ultimate in clean.